Monitoring the development of a baby's weight since he was in the womb is important. By knowing the development of the baby's weight, pregnant women can get an idea whether your child will be born with a normal weight, excessive, or even less.
Normally, Asian babies are born between 2.9 and 3.6 kilograms (kg). If explained in more detail, the average weight of a baby boy born at 37-41 weeks' gestation is between 3 - 3.6 kg, while the weight of a baby girl ranges from 2.9 kg to 3.4 kg.
If the Baby's Weight is Below the Normal Limit
In general, babies are considered to be under normal weight if born with a weight of less than 2.5 kg. This baby's underweight can be caused by a variety of factors, including:Health problems in pregnant women
Health problems in pregnant women such as hypertension, diabetes, or heart problems can affect the baby's weight. For example, if pregnant women experience hypertension, the baby can be born with a body weight below normal.
Twins are born
When the mother is pregnant with twins, the baby will lack space in the uterus which allows the baby to grow as freely as a single baby. Twins may also be born prematurely.
Pregnant woman's posture
The size of a baby's body weight is also influenced by his mother's posture. If a pregnant woman has a short and tiny body, chances are the baby born also has a body weight that is relatively smaller than normal conditions.
Nutritional deficiencies
The development of the fetus during the womb is influenced by nutrient intake. Babies can be born underweight if the mother's diet during pregnancy is unhealthy.
Health problems in infants
Other factors that can cause a baby's underweight are health problems in the baby, for example birth defects, or infections experienced while still in the womb.
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